
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Canteen and dining room workers? "We don't leave the crooked vine"

The secretary-general of the CGTP joined the workers in the restaurant sector who are on strike, this Monday.

Canteen and dining room workers? "We don't leave the crooked vine"
Notícias ao Minuto

12:35 - 27/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

Economia Espanha

The CGTP-IN Secretary-General, Tiago Oliveira, expressed solidarity with the canteen and cafeteria, accommodation and catering workers who are on strike at the main employers' association in the sector (AHRESP) this Monday.

"The fundamental issue" is the "level of collective bargaining", he said at the site of the demonstration, lamenting: "We're not getting anywhere".

"Those who come to the media and say that things have to change in social dialogue, that there is a need for collective bargaining, that there is a need to discuss... They say this, but then we don't get anywhere", he explained, in statements to RTP.

Tiago Oliveira lamented that, "in a sector that is central to the national economy, very important, that employs thousands and thousands of workers", the proposal presented to the unions is for "salaries close to the national minimum wage".

The CGTP-IN Secretary-General criticised that, "mainly" in the case of canteens, "the contract has not been revised for 20 years" and that "there are matters in the law that allow the employers' association to blackmail the unions so that legislation is passed in social dialogue that worsens living conditions".

"The laws have to be revised within the scope of collective bargaining and workers have to be valued, with salaries being increased with dignity. If every day, the employers' associations in the sector come and say that the occupancy rate has broken records, that tourism is booming, then why is none of this passed on to those who work?", he concluded.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, Tiago Oliveira said that "when people talk about the need for social dialogue, the need for social consensus, the need for negotiation", the CGTP notes, and that is why "the workers are fighting, because all the contracts [in catering, accommodation and canteens] are blocked and there is no negotiation".

He continued: "This is a fight that concerns the rights of workers and against social setbacks. It has to do with the negotiation of collective bargaining, with fair and just wage increases for workers, against job insecurity and the reduction of working hours to 35 hours per week".

For the union leader, tourism is one of the "main sectors of the national economy", which generates profits, but where "salaries are completely crushed".

"We are witnessing the crushing of salaries when hotel units are reaching record after record in room occupancy. Salaries always remain at the lowest level, job insecurity is increasing, and working hours are becoming longer and more unregulated", he added.

That is why the workers are demonstrating and "decided to show [with the strike and this demonstration] that they are completely against this direction".

The Federation of Agriculture, Food, Beverage, Hotel and Tourism Unions of Portugal (FESAHT) announced this strike, which will last 24 hours.

"The aim of this fight is to unblock the collective bargaining of these three subsectors that are so important for defending the rights of workers", FESAHT, which is part of the CGTP, pointed out in a statement.

[News updated at 14:17]

Read Also: CGTP says that the PS government had the conditions to go "further" in policies (Portuguese version)

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