
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Entities reinforce housing purchase and represent 14.5% in 2023

The dwellings purchased in 2023 by entities other than families totalled 19,747, representing 14.5% of the total of these transactions, against 13.3% a year before, according to the information released today by the INE.

Entities reinforce housing purchase and represent 14.5% in 2023
Notícias ao Minuto

12:30 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Economia INE

According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), of the total of 136,499 homes purchased in 2023, families acquired 116,752, while purchases by the remaining institutional sectors totalled 19,747. In both cases, there was a decline compared to the figures for 2022, but acquisitions by this second type of entity increased their weight in the total.

This increase in the weight of housing purchases by entities other than families was also recorded in relation to the values of the transactions recorded.

"In 2023, acquisitions by the remaining institutional sectors represented 14.5% and 16.1% of the number and total value of residential property transactions, respectively, and in both cases, these percentages were higher than those observed in 2022 (13.3% and 14.2%, in the same order)", points out the INE.

The 19,747 units were acquired for 4.5 billion euros.

Despite the increase in their weight in the total number of houses and values transacted by entities other than families, there was a reduction compared to the 2022 figures of 11.8% and 0.5%, respectively.

In 2022, the purchase of homes by the remaining institutional sectors amounted to 22,400, with the value totalling 4.5 billion euros.

As for the sale of homes to families, there was a reduction of 19.8% compared to the previous year, to 116,752 units (there were more than 145,500 in 2022).

"In terms of value, transactions involving buyers belonging to the institutional sector of families totalled 23.5 billion euros, down 13.8% compared to 2022", according to the information released by the INE.

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