
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Government will create a regime for the use of vacant public properties

The Government will create a legal regime for the "semi-automatic injection of vacant public properties" in the market, for housing or other relevant projects, which will be done together with the municipalities, it was announced today.

Government will create a regime for the use of vacant public properties
Notícias ao Minuto

19:26 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Economia

At the end of an extraordinary Council of Ministers, the Minister of the Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, announced that the executive will put an end to the coercive rent provided for in the More Housing program, of the previous socialist government, and that it had already announced its intention to revoke.

"This is a new regime, in which the local-based initiative allows us to accelerate, identify and make available, after recovery, for housing or other relevant public purposes, hundreds of public properties of the State that are currently idle, while there are so many people without a home or with homes that are too expensive", said the minister.

Leitão Amaro revealed that it will be up to the municipalities "voluntarily", by themselves or with private promoters, to identify vacant or underutilized public properties and then present to the State, namely through Estamo, a project for use "for a public purpose that falls within the attributions of the municipality and can be enjoyed by the people".

The government official stressed that this "green lane" for local authorities is voluntary and each project designed "must be within the attributions" of the municipality and be directed to a public purpose.

"Therefore, if we want to anticipate the question, it is not useful for real estate speculation or for luxury housing, because that is clearly not a destination that falls within the attributions of the municipalities", he stressed.

If the management of the proposed properties falls to Estamo, it can only object if the project presented by the municipality does not comply with the public interest or if it already has an imminent public project for that property.

The new regime, based on local initiative, allows to accelerate the use of thousands of public properties of the State that are currently not being used for public housing or other projects, he added.

"Affordable housing will naturally be preferred and the main of these intended uses, financed with the means of the project itself. This does not in the least eliminate the State's responsibility to inject public properties into the market, nor to resolve a housing crisis that has been aggravated by years of wrong or unfulfilled policies", he stressed.

Read Also: Proposal to revoke the contribution on local accommodation approved (Portuguese version)

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