
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Bank workers reach an agreement with institutions for 3% pay rises this year

The National Union of Bank Managers and Technicians (SNQTB) reached an agreement with the Credit Institutions Negotiating Group (GNIC/APB), which includes several entities, for 3% increases this year, according to a statement.

Bank workers reach an agreement with institutions for 3% pay rises this year
Notícias ao Minuto

19:38 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Economia

In the note, released today, the union structure said that "following the meeting held on Monday, May 27, the members whose Credit Institutions are represented by GNIC/APB (namely, Bankinter, BBVA, BPI, Credibom, Haitong, novobanco and Santander) will have increases of 3%", with retroactive effect from January 2024, "for salary tables, retirement and survivor pensions, as well as other clauses with pecuniary expression".

The union considers that "after a growing intervention by SNQTB and its members, which culminated in the demonstration last Wednesday during the BCP General Assembly", GNIC/APB "ended up meeting the positions" of the structure.

SNQTB recalled that "negotiations had been blocked since March, with GNIC/APB proposing an increase of only 2.5%, a value that was unacceptable for SNQTB", considering that the agreement reached today demonstrates that its proposal "was perfectly reasonable and acceptable".

After this process is closed, the "SNQTB will continue to act in the remaining negotiating tables (BCP, Montepio, CCAM, among others) to safeguard the interests of all bankers, active and retired", it assured.

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