
  • 06 JULHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 24º

Retail payment instrument costs rise between 2022 and 2017

The costs with retail payment instruments in Portugal were estimated at 2,293.1 million euros for 2022, an increase of 20% compared to 2017, according to data released today by the Bank of Portugal (BdP).

Retail payment instrument costs rise between 2022 and 2017
Notícias ao Minuto

16:14 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Economia BdP

The study on the costs of retail payment instruments published by the regulator reveals that the cost of these instruments in 2022 is equivalent to 0.95% of that year's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), based on current prices (0.99% in 2017).

"These costs increased by 20% compared to 2017, reflecting the increase in internal costs borne by all stakeholders. This increase was influenced, among other factors, by the increase in payments made and by inflation", it can be read.

According to the analysis of the banking regulator, more than 90% of these costs were borne by merchants and the banking system (52% and 39%, respectively), while consumers assumed the remaining 9%.

The Banco de Portugal indicates that the breakdown of costs by stakeholder has not changed significantly compared to 2017, with direct debits continuing to be the instrument with the lowest cost per transaction: 22 cents.

This was followed by the debit card, transfers and cash, which cost, respectively, 34 cents, 41 cents and 50 cents per transaction, while the check and credit card had a cost of 4.16 euros and 2.38 euros per payment, respectively.

According to the BdP, the private costs for consumers using payment instruments in 2022 were estimated at 1,095.2 million euros, an increase of 39% compared to 2017.

For merchants, accepting payments resulted in a private cost of 1,520.2 million euros, 19% more than in 2017.

For the banking system, the provision of retail payment instruments resulted in a cost of 892.2 million euros, which represents an increase of 12% compared to 2017, says the Banco de Portugal.

Read Also: Cash payments drop 28% between 2017 and 2022. And with cards? (Portuguese version)

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