
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

AT cleared IMI of 153 dams since 2019 at an average of 5 million

The Director-General of the Tax and Customs Authority said today that the IMI of 153 dams from 2019 to 2022 was settled, with the settled tax being around five million euros per year.

AT cleared IMI of 153 dams since 2019 at an average of 5 million
Notícias ao Minuto

16:41 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Economia AT

This data was provided by the General Director of AT, Helena Borges, who is being heard by the Budget and Finance Committee (COF), following requests from the PSD and the Left Bloc regarding the collection of taxes associated with dams.
According to Helena Borges, of the 366 hydraulic developments reported by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), the assessments have been completed and registered in the matrix of 153 of these developments (corresponding to 169), and the settlement has been made. "We completed the assessment and registered 153 dams in the matrix and settled the corresponding tax", she said, indicating that the settlement of IMI corresponds to the years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. In total, she said, "approximately 608 collection notes were issued with global annual settlements [of the tax] of approximately five million euros, which have resulted, so far, in the payment of approximately 2% of the collection amounts". The 2% of IMI already paid corresponds to approximately 40% of the collection notes issued, and the deadlines for hearing and challenging the payment by the taxpayers are still in progress. During the hearing and in response to the deputies, Helena Borges also stated that AT is complying with the order of the former Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, Nuno Félix, who determined the revocation of dam assessments that are challenged, namely for not including the equipment in the assessment for IMI purposes. The General Director of AT also stated that 10 challenges have been filed by municipalities and "four to six" by taxpayers. Helena Borges also contested that AT has changed its understanding of what should be considered in the assessment of dams for IMI purposes and, in response to deputy Mariana Mortágua, who requested data on meetings between AT and EDP, contested that the tax authority changes its understanding depending on the taxpayers. "AT has not changed its position following any meeting with any taxpayer, but it does listen to the taxpayers and there is nothing subversive about that", she said. Regarding the settlement of taxes associated with the sale of six dams in the Douro by EDP to the consortium led by Engie, namely the Stamp Duty, IMT and IRC, the head of AT stated that, as an investigation process is underway [by the Public Prosecutor's Office], "AT cannot carry out inspection actions on the same facts that are being investigated criminally". Regarding the investigations into AT's performance in the dam assessment process, Helena Borges stated that she sees this type of investigation by the administration as natural and that information has already been sent to the Court of Auditors and the Public Prosecutor's Office, with full availability to provide any additional information that the authorities may deem necessary. [News updated at 5:44 pm]

Read Also: Dams. Movement appeals to the PGR to see the settlement of taxes with AT (Portuguese version)

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