
  • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 24º

Inflationary and energy crisis costs 1,184.3 million until April

The measures to mitigate the impact of the energy and inflation crisis cost 1,184.3 million euros until April, considering the impact on revenue and expenditure, according to the summary of budget execution released today.

Inflationary and energy crisis costs 1,184.3 million until April
Notícias ao Minuto

15:45 - 31/05/24 por Lusa

Economia OE2024

"Within the scope of mitigating the geopolitical shock, there was a decrease in effective revenue of 366.2 million euros and a growth in effective expenditure of 818.1 million euros in April", indicates the budget execution summary released today by the Directorate-General for the Budget (DGO).

On the expenditure side, the item that weighs the most has to do with payments related to the allocation of funds to the National Electricity System (SEN) for the reduction of electricity tariffs, the value of which amounts to 566 million euros.

The expenditure on extraordinary rent support (aimed at tenants with a rent effort rate of over 35% and whose value can go up to a maximum of 200 euros per month) totalled 107.4 million euros.

The DGO also points out the contribution to the support program for Ukraine, in the amount of 100.1 million euros.

On the revenue side, the measures to mitigate the energy and inflation crisis are mainly associated with the loss of tax revenue in the ISP due to the measure that reduces the rate of this tax by an amount equivalent to the application of a VAT rate of 13% on fuels, which the DGO accounts for 238.8 million euros up to April.

The return of additional VAT revenue, via ISP, in a total of 90.1 million euros, is also noteworthy.

Read Also: State records a deficit of 1,939.2 million until April (Portuguese version)

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