
  • 05 JULHO 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 30º

"We are never alone the three of us. We were, we are and we will always be the four of us"

June 8th is the day for D'ZRT to celebrate the past alongside 4Taste, Just Girls and FF. Angélico Vieira, who died in 2011, continues to be remembered by everyone and the next concert will be new proof of that.

"We are never alone the three of us. We were, we are and we will always be the four of us"
Notícias ao Minuto

09:29 - 03/06/24 por Filipe Carmo

Fama D'ZRT

Five days to go until one of the most awaited concerts of the year. On the 8th, D'ZRT, 4Taste, Just Girls, and FF will take to the stage at Passeio Marítimo de Algés, a true delight for the fans of 'Morangos com Açúcar' who will be able to remember some of the songs that marked their lives.

After a 2023 with countless concerts all over the country, the band formed by Cifrão, Edmundo Vieira, and Paulo Vintém considered it made sense to have a 'reunion' with the other successful musical projects that came out of the TVI youth series. Thus, they organized a large-scale show that has been in preparation for several months now.

After speaking with the other singers who accepted the challenge, Fama ao Minuto talked to D'ZRT. Happy with this initiative, they still do not guarantee the continuity of the band, as they did last year. They only guarantee two more concerts - the one on the 8th, in Algés, and the one at the Marés Vivas festival, on July 19 - but, after that, it is most likely that they will split up again for some time.

It was impossible to predict that we would sell out nine concerts in three days

How has it been like this journey of realizing that there are still many people who like your music?

Paulo Vintém (PV): It continues to be all magical. It was all so perfect, so in tune, that it is hard to explain. We have tried to understand what happened, but it was much better than what we had thought.

Cifrão: We had a reception that was completely disproportionate to what we imagined we would have. It was good, it made us feel that people still wanted to be with us and that they still wanted us on stage. We closed that year thinking: 'People gave us this treat, what can we do to make the experience even greater?'. That is where the idea of bringing together what was missing came from.

Edmundo Vieira (EV): We wanted to return that affection, that avalanche of support that they gave us.

When you announced that first concert, was there already the prospect of announcing new dates or doing a tour that ended up being a surprise for you as well?

Cifrão: We had the MEO Arena blocked for 6 thousand seats. They ended up unblocking the remaining seats because of how quickly the tickets that were available were bought. It was impossible to predict that we would sell out nine concerts in three days. We even had to ask the concert halls to unblock the following dates because we had not scheduled them...

EV: We were not even expecting the 6 thousand people to show up. We kept unblocking as people kept buying tickets. We realized that there were many people who wanted to hear us, but it was far from our dreams to think that it would be the way it was.

But did you define any strategy at that moment and, for that reason, kept announcing one date after the other?

PV: There was no strategy at all, it was really organic and unexpected. We kept talking and decided that no one could be left out. It is cool when things work out so well without having been planned.

And now, with a tour last year that was so successful and with these two concerts in 2024, what can the fans expect for the future?

EV: It took us a long time to decide to move forward with a new concert. When we decided, we said that it would be just one concert and that it did not make sense to create a tour, which ended up happening naturally. The initial idea was a unique experience. I usually say that with D'ZRT you never know and that anything can happen, but I do not believe that we will have more concerts after these two that we will give in 2024. Without promoting it, I think that those who want to relive the 'Morangos' generation should seize this moment because I do not know if it will repeat itself.

PV: It is not even planned to do another concert after this and I think that the most important thing is to manage what we have in the best way. We want to continue to maintain this magic and strength with people.

People are unhappy with the pace and the direction of things and, because of that, they miss how it was to live back there, in the past

In your opinion, what helps to justify all this success around a band that had been inactive since 2011? 

PV: Nostalgia is very present in people. I think that people are unhappy with the pace and the direction of things and, because of that, they miss how it was to live back there, in the past. The world really was different. Inside the pavilion and at our concerts - Cifrão is laughing because he does not like me saying this, but I say it, because I am the most spiritual - people traveled to the past, when they were younger and had no responsibilities or problems, and lived that journey that is so good. We wanted to transport people, like a time machine, and in the end we feel that we managed to do it.

At your concerts, in your participations in television and radio programs and even on social media, the presence of Angélico Vieira, this fourth element whose memory you have never allowed to leave you, continues to be felt...

Cifrão: We are never just the three of us...

EV: We were, we are and we will always be the four of us. That happens very naturally.

PV: We always feel that presence throughout the whole process. It was many months of work that culminated in those shows. It was very strong and intense for us...

Many of your fans ask for a new song, even to understand what the sound of D'ZRT would be like nowadays. Is that something that you are considering or is it not part of your plans?

PV. We are missing a key element in that creation, in that diversity that D'ZRT is and was.

Cifrão: That is the great difficulty, D'ZRT is four elements, not three. We have already talked about it and we have already improvised. We took a weekend to improvise in a house about what we are, what we were and what we want to be. In truth, we felt several times that we are four and that we are missing a very important part. It does not mean that it will never happen, but it is complicated.

EV: We know that there is curiosity to know what D'ZRT would be like today. Still, it is complicated. In the same way that doing concerts had to make sense to us, creating a new song is far from our vision. Until now, it is far from our vision.

Notícias ao Minuto D'ZRT still with Angélico Vieira, who died in 2011, victim of a traffic accident

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