
  • 08 JULHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 27º

António Costa asked his wife's opinion on his resignation: "It was very clear"

The former prime minister was Cristina Ferreira's special guest on today's 'Dois Às 10'.

António Costa asked his wife's opinion on his resignation: "It was very clear"
Notícias ao Minuto

13:37 - 03/05/24 por Filipe Carmo

Fama António Costa

António Costa gave a new interview to Cristina Ferreira today, May 3, his first since leaving public office.

During the conversation, which took place in the studios of TVI's 'Dois Às 10', the former Portuguese prime minister began by confessing that there are "small luxuries" that he has enjoyed again since resigning, such as "having his mobile phone turned off at night" and "not having to set an alarm".

Recalling his decision to leave the government following Operation Influencer, António Costa stressed that he had the "feeling of having been run over by a train and of having survived, with the pain of the accident". He admits that the period between November 7 and April 2, between the submission of his resignation and his effective departure from the government, was "good months", during which it was possible to "manage emotions and sort things out". "When I left home for Dr. Luís Montenegro's inauguration, I felt completely at ease and ready for a new life", he added.

After resigning because he refused to govern in a climate of suspicion, António Costa now says that it "hurt" to have his integrity questioned. "The prime minister is not a member of the government like the others; there can be no official suspicion about his probity", he added.

Before resigning, the former government official spoke to his wife, Fernanda Tadeu, the person who "found it hardest" to deal with his activity. "She also had no doubt about what had to be done, it was very clear and I did it", he confessed.

Now that he has stepped down from political office, António Costa is often approached in the street, which makes him feel that "trust has not been broken". "It is easier to be a former prime minister than a prime minister", he stressed, laughing.

As for social networks, he refuses to read what is written, also because this is a "space of anonymous opinion, where the greatest nonsense can be said".

Challenged by Cristina Ferreira to indicate the most difficult moment of his governance, António Costa explained that it was not the pandemic, but rather the last two years, marked by inflation: "They were the most difficult, knowing the brutal impact on people's lives and the lack of tools we had. It was the most difficult period to manage".

Regarding his relationship with the current President of the Republic, Marcelo de Sousa, he assumed that there was a very important rule that the two defined: "Our conversations will not be recounted, not even in memoirs".

In the meantime, António Costa has returned to studying. He enrolled in a postgraduate course at the Catholic University in Lisbon, and explained that the reason for this is because he has to "start a new professional activity".

Regarding the future, he once again ruled out the possibility of running for president of the Republic. "It is a position that I will never hold and for which I will never run", he said. On the other hand, when asked about the possibility of holding a European position, he replied: "It depends on the circumstances, but I would say that with a process underway it is very difficult for there to be such a solution".

António Costa is currently satisfied with the fact that he "has no schedules" and has gained "quality of life".

Read Also: Influencer? "I know the last episode of the series. I just don't know how many episodes it will have" (Portuguese version)

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