
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Are You Damaging Your Pelvic Floor When You Exercise?

A Intimina warns of sports and exercises that are harmful to the pelvic floor. It also shares some tips.

Are You Damaging Your Pelvic Floor When You Exercise?
Notícias ao Minuto

21:56 - 05/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Exercício físico

Physical exercise has benefits for both body and mind. However, "some sports and exercises put a lot of pressure on the pelvis, especially in women, for physiological reasons," warns Intimina in a statement, on the occasion of World Physical Activity Day, which is celebrated on Saturday, April 6th.

"Performing exercises that involve impact or excessive pressure on the internal organs (bladder, uterus and rectum) can damage the pelvic floor muscles and, consequently, cause occasional urine loss - stress urinary incontinence - during training or, worse, during the day-to-day," explains the brand. It also states that stress incontinence should not be considered 'normal', but rather "treated seriously", since "it is a symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction which, if left untreated, can lead to other serious disorders".

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Sports that involve running and jumping, as well as those that require carrying excessive weight and an uncontrolled increase in pressure on the abdominal waist, are the most harmful to the pelvic floor. "For example, sports such as running, paddle tennis, football, horse riding, rowing, surfing, mountain biking and weightlifting are considered the most harmful. As for the most harmful exercises, there are push-ups, squats, sit-ups and hollow rocks, some of which are part of CrossFit and gymnastics," exemplifies Intimina. In addition, hypopressive exercises - when performed incorrectly - can also be negative for the pelvic floor, as they increase the pressure in the abdominal and pelvic cavity, also having a direct impact on the pelvis.

How to continue practicing your favorite sports and protect your pelvic floor? "Physical exercise is crucial for health, stress incontinence is not a reason to avoid it. It is, however, important to be aware of the risks and learn techniques to strengthen it during exercise. Fortunately, protecting the pelvic floor can be easier than it seems, so it is possible to continue practicing our favorite sport, while keeping the pelvic floor in great shape."

The most important thing you can do for it is to strengthen it, using Kegel exercises, which are effective and simple movements of contraction and release of the pelvic floor muscles. They provide health benefits, including treatment and prevention, especially for women who practice high-impact sports and for recent mothers.

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There are also simple tips that can be easily followed. Here they are:

  • Do not lift heavy objects. Never lift weights that are too heavy for our physical constitution or capacity, nor weights that require bending over, holding our breath;
  • Use the core muscles. Activate the core and pelvic muscles before and during resistance exercises, i.e., gently contract them while doing Kegel exercises;
  • Rest between sets. Stop for a few minutes between each set of exercises to allow the muscles to relax, recover from the effort and perform more efficiently;
    Breathe correctly: never hold your breath or pull your stomach in hard during exercise, as this increases intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Listen to your body. It is important to exercise consciously and not mechanically. What do we feel in our pelvic floor when we do a certain exercise or when we do it in a certain way? Does it hurt? Does it bother you? Is the pressure excessive? If so, it is essential to stop immediately, remove it from our training plan and replace it with another;
  • If you practice high-impact activities, it is important to alternate with exercises that not only strengthen the area, but also relax it, such as hypopressive exercises and other disciplines such as Pilates, yoga or tai-chi.

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