
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Simple Tips to Ripen a Kiwi in No Time

You can always let it sit on the counter and wait for three to five days, but there are ways to speed up the process. Learn more.

Simple Tips to Ripen a Kiwi in No Time
Notícias ao Minuto

10:20 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Truques de cozinha

Bought some kiwis but they're not ripe yet and you wanted to use them in the next few days? You can just leave them on the kitchen counter and wait for three to five days. Want to speed up the process? Experts from Better Homes and Garden have explained everything you need to do. It's simple!

According to the magazine, the best method involves simply storing the kiwi in a paper bag, or another type of bag that can be closed, but not plastic, with an apple or a banana.

Why? These are two types of fruit that release ethylene gas which helps to stimulate ripening. The bag "helps trap the gas, while still allowing air to circulate".

Doing this will ripen a kiwi in one to two days. Leaving it in a sunny and warm place can speed up the process (even) more.

Read Also: This is how you should store bay leaves to make sure they don't go bad (Portuguese version)

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