This is what happens to blood pressure when you 'hold' urine
It has an unexpected effect and you might never have thought of it. It is also recommended that you have an empty bladder when you measure your blood pressure.
© Shutterstock
08:26 - 29/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto
Lifestyle Pressão arterial
In order to avoid infections, bladder stones, kidney stones or pelvic problems, it is best not to 'hold' urine frequently. However, there are other effects that can happen when you do.
According to doctor Martina Ambardjieva, in statements to the 'website' BestLife, blood pressure can suffer consequences with this seemingly harmless act.
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"It is thought that distension of the urinary bladder can increase blood pressure because it causes an increase in sympathetic activity. This increase results in an increase in heart rate and in the increase of peripheral vascular resistance."
She also explains that it is recommended that you empty your bladder when measuring blood pressure values in order to obtain more accurate values.
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