
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

The Five Tips You Need For A Lean, Dry Midsection

Nutritionist and 'personal trainer' Aline Becker tells you exactly what to do.

The Five Tips You Need For A Lean, Dry Midsection
Notícias ao Minuto

18:11 - 14/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Inchaço abdominal

To reduce belly fat by summer, it's not worth cutting out all the fat if you then ignore everything else. The choices you make at the table matter a lot.

Nutritionist and 'personal trainer' Aline Becker shared a handful of tips with Sport Life that promise to help you fight any and all traces of fat in the abdominal area.

1- Include protein in all meals

"It is very beneficial for flaccidity, hair, skin and nails, in addition to providing more satiety", she begins by explaining, emphasizing that it has a thermogenic effect. That is, "when ingesting protein, our body spends more calories to deteriorate these foods".

2- Bet on legumes

Legumes "guarantee a supply of vitamins, minerals and fiber in a meal", says Becker.

Read Also: In the fight to lose weight? This workout promises very fast results (Portuguese version)

3- Opt for sources of tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid precursor of serotonin that contributes to good mood. Present in proteins of animal origin, its main source is eggs and milk, as well as meat and fish.

4- Invest in good carbohydrates

"Carbohydrates are our friends", emphasizes the nutritionist. "Many people believe that carbohydrates are our enemies, but they are in our favor. Obviously, we must choose complex carbohydrates", which would be sweet potatoes, yams and whole-wheat pasta. All of these foods can "improve our cognitive and physical performance". "We really have to use carbohydrates strategically and always put them in our pre-workout", she adds.

5- Have dinner until 8 pm

"No matter how light dinner is, the body must be given time to digest properly (...) without interfering with the quality of sleep", concludes Aline Becker.

Read Also: Nutritionist reveals the simplest tips to start losing weight now (Portuguese version)

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