
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Specialists point out factors that ruin our skin

Did you know that your skin reveals a lot about your lifestyle and health status? Dermatologist Ana Maria Pellegrini and nutritionist Marcella Garcez point out what you should stop doing right now.

Specialists point out factors that ruin our skin
Notícias ao Minuto

16:27 - 15/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Pelé

There are habits that most of us have on a daily basis that ruin the skin. Some of them are even unconscious. 

"Less inflammatory diets reduce the degradation of collagen, a protein that keeps our skin firmer. We recommend fruits rich in antioxidants, vegetables, legumes and proteins", says dermatologist Ana Maria Pellegrini, in statements to Sport Life. Emphasizing that excessive sun exposure is the external factor that most contributes to skin aging, she adds that tobacco, alcohol, stress, sedentary lifestyle, pollution and foods with a high glycemic index and ultra-processed foods also have an impact. 

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When it comes to food, the main recommendation is to avoid excess sugar, as it can cause inflammation. "Carbonated soft drinks, gluten for patients who are sensitive to it and ultra-processed foods rich in saturated fat also promote inflammation", says Pellegrini.

Nutritionist Marcella Garcez corroborates: "They are [foods] rich in added sugar, such as sweets and candies, rich in saturated fats and trans fats, such as fatty foods of animal origin, 'fast food', fried foods, bakery products, processed meats, such as cold cuts and sausages, ultra-processed industrialized foods, such as soft drinks, packaged snacks, filled cookies, instant pasta, excessive consumption of salt, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. All should be consumed sparingly".

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The specialist states that "adequate hydration and water consumption have a significant impact on the appearance of the skin, especially when it comes to delaying the signs of aging". "Water plays a fundamental role in the health and appearance of the skin, because it is essential to keep it hydrated, to maintain its elasticity, to avoid sagging and loss of skin firmness", she explains.

In addition, "it also helps the body to eliminate toxins and waste, in addition to regulating body temperature and blood circulation, which can influence the health and appearance of the skin".

Read Also: Nutritionist indicates five fruits that we should all eat daily (Portuguese version)

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