
  • 22 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 26º

Signs You're Not Getting Enough Iron (Watch Out!)

Iron plays an important role in the development and effectiveness of the immune system. The lack of this mineral results in very unpleasant symptoms.

Signs You're Not Getting Enough Iron (Watch Out!)
Notícias ao Minuto

17:03 - 20/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Saúde

It's important to consume foods rich in iron regularly. Why? It's an essential mineral for transporting oxygen around the body and helps to keep the immune system healthy. Adam Enaz, a dietitian, quoted in the DailyMail, explains that "without enough iron, our cells, tissues and organs can't function properly, as the body can't produce enough healthy red blood cells." 

Iron deficiency affects many people and, unfortunately, it causes very uncomfortable symptoms. Want some examples? You can check the list. But, of course, before assuming that you are lacking this mineral you should talk to your doctor to do some tests. 

Read Also: Reasons why you need to consume more foods with vitamin K (Portuguese version)

Signs that you are not getting enough iron: 

  • Getting sick more often. In general, "adequate iron intake helps ensure the proliferation and maturation of immune cells, such as lymphocytes, which are needed to help fight off infections," says Rob Hobson, a nutritionist, quoted in the same newspaper; 
  • Paler skin and/or pale circles under the eyes. "Low iron levels can decrease haemoglobin production, meaning less oxygen is delivered to the skin and mucous membranes. This can cause these areas to appear paler," explains the dietitian; 
  • Shortness of breath. "Iron deficiency makes it difficult for your body to create oxygen-carrying red blood cells," which can "result in feeling short of breath, especially during exercise"; 
  • Weak nails. "Iron deficiency can affect the condition of your nails, making them more brittle"; 
  • Heart palpitations or increased heart rate. "Insufficient iron levels can reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, meaning the heart has to work harder to circulate oxygen"; 
  • Brain fog. Iron is essential for healthy brain function and a lack of the mineral "has been linked to brain fog and impaired cognition". 

Read Also: Are you lacking vitamin D? You need to focus more on these foods (Portuguese version)

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