
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

It's Never Too Late to Relive Some of the Benefits of Masturbation

In light of the month of May, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of masturbation, Satisfyer has something to say.

It's Never Too Late to Relive Some of the Benefits of Masturbation
Notícias ao Minuto

21:22 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Masturbação

The month of May celebrates masturbation and all the benefits associated with it. The concept of masturbation has become increasingly accepted and destigmatized in many parts of the world. It is now considered a healthy and common practice.

"In the past, female sexuality and masturbation were often taboo subjects, and many people felt ashamed to talk about them openly," says Megwyn White, Director of Education at Satisfyer and certified sexologist, emphasizing that "in recent years, sex toys have become more accessible and popular, and have helped to break down some of the barriers to talking about masturbation, especially female masturbation".

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One of the biggest changes has been the increase in awareness and education about sexual health and well-being. This has led to a greater understanding of the benefits of masturbation, as well as a wider range of attitudes and beliefs about it.

With that in mind, Satisfyer shares the top six benefits of masturbation.

1- Improves the immune system and mental health

Regular orgasms produce oxytocin, a hormone known to relieve anxiety, improve mood, and strengthen the immune system. Sometimes known as the 'love hormone', oxytocin promotes empathy and helps us feel closer to others.

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2- Strengthens sleep

For women, there is also an increase in estrogen after orgasm, which not only helps you fall asleep quickly but also creates a deeper sleep state.

3- Relieves pain and stress

Orgasms also activate endorphins. According to a study by Satisfyer and the Harris Poll, nearly a third of women who own a sexual wellness device say they use it because they need help relaxing and relieving stress.

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4- Makes skin more radiant

Orgasms increase blood flow in the body, carrying more oxygen to the blood cells and thus giving the skin a radiant glow - including an anti-aging effect.

5- Increases sexual satisfaction

Masturbation allows people to explore their sexual preferences in a safe and non-judgmental environment, increasing self-knowledge and sexual confidence.

6- Strengthens the pelvic floor

Activating the pelvic floor muscles helps to strengthen this whole area, which can contribute to better bladder control and sexual function.

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