
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Seven Mistakes That Keep You Stuck in an Anxiety Crisis

According to psychologist Ana Filipa Farinho, they are the most common.

Seven Mistakes That Keep You Stuck in an Anxiety Crisis
Notícias ao Minuto

19:00 - 22/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Saúde mental

There are several common habits that can increase anxiety, practically without being noticed. These mistakes are usually related to thoughts that only intensify feelings of unease. 

The psychologist Ana Filipa Farinho gathered the main ones in a publication made on the social network Instagram:

1- Avoiding places or contexts where you can feel anxious;

2- Being tense, with clenched teeth or crossed legs;

3- Reliving conversations and behaviors you had;

4- Needing external validation regarding your decisions;

5- Having a bad sleep routine;

6- Making negative anticipations about the future;

7- Checking the same thing several times, such as the alarm clock.

Read Also: Four things you do because of anxiety (without realizing it) (Portuguese version)


Telephone services for emotional support in Portugal

SOS Voz Amiga (between 4 pm and midnight) -  213 544 545 (toll-free) - 912 802 669 - 963 524 660 

Conversa Amiga (between 3 pm and 10 pm) - 808 237 327 (toll-free) and 210 027 159

Telefone da Esperança (between 8 pm and 11 pm) - 222 080 707 

Telefone da Amizade (between 4 pm and 11 pm) – 228 323 535

All these contacts guarantee anonymity both to the caller and to the person answering. In SNS24 (808 24 24 24), the contact is assumed by health professionals. You must select option 4 for psychological counseling. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Read Also: Psychologist points out signs that the body gives before an anxiety attack (Portuguese version)

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