
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Nurse issues warning: Children's sleep "continues to be neglected"

For Joana Marques, a specialist in child health and pediatrics, sleep continues to be considered "a poor relation of health".

Nurse issues warning: Children's sleep "continues to be neglected"
Notícias ao Minuto

18:31 - 24/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Sono

An estimated 40% of parents report sleep problems in the first year of a child's life. However, and despite sleep being an indicator of health and quality of life, "it continues to be neglected by families and educational institutions", says nurse Joana Marques, a specialist in child health and pediatrics.

"Despite sleep being an important indicator of health and quality of life and although we all know what a bad night's sleep is, neglecting sleep continues to be a reality for many families", she warns, in a statement about World Children's Day, which is celebrated on June 1st. 

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"It is known that, in Portugal, most children are unable to complete the recommended sleep time for their age", she also says, stressing that "sleep problems that start in childhood and, often drag on into adulthood, are already considered a public health problem, influencing not only physical health, but also mental health".

In the specialist's opinion, there are three main factors that demonstrate the reality that sleep is still considered "a poor relation of health":

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1- First of all, "the inexistence of parenting preparation courses that address the issue of baby sleep - and those that do, do not go into much depth about what is really important to know about what is expected in the first months of life and the strategies to adopt to promote good sleep".

2- Another aspect pointed out by Joana Marques is the lack of training on this subject for health and education professionals who work with children, such as doctors, nurses, teachers and kindergarten teachers. "When we look at the content of the basic courses for these professionals, it is worrying to realise that they are released into the job market with little or no knowledge about children's sleep." "How can these professionals help and guide parents towards good sleep habits from the first months of life when they have no training in this area?", the specialist asks.

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3- Finally, the existence of "a clear neglect of children's sleep needs in schools". For the nurse, there is a "contradiction between health and education in schools". If, on the one hand, more and more is demanded of children and at an earlier age - not only in terms of school performance, but also in sports - on the other hand, science is clear when it says that a child who does not sleep well is not (as) available for learning, has less attention, memory and immune system commitment (favoring the appearance of diseases)." Given this reality, Joana Marques believes that "the Ministry of Education (still) does not know the impact of sleep deprivation on health and learning, because I believe that the day that this information reaches them, they will want the best for our children - and the best is to promote a culture of sleep in our schools, something that, at the moment, does not exist".

For the nurse, it is essential that strategies that promote and protect sleep are adopted from the first months of life, as this is an indicator of health and quality of life. "The strategies exist and it is important to talk about them with parents and the population in general. I believe that prevention is the key to healthy sleep and to a physically and emotionally balanced family. I have no doubt that when sleep is seen as health and not as a disease or problem, society will change."

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