
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Gastroenterologists Reveal 11 Ways to Debloat Your Belly

These are tips that will make all the difference. See what is at stake and how to get more relief.

Gastroenterologists Reveal 11 Ways to Debloat Your Belly
Notícias ao Minuto

17:57 - 27/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Barriga inchada

Constipation, eating fast, stress and hormonal changes are some of the reasons that can be making you feel bloated. It is a problem that can be solved. To do so, you just have to follow some tips.

The website of the NBC channel Today, spoke with some gastroenterologists, such as Christine Lee and Anju Malieckal, to find out what you should do to avoid having a bloated belly frequently.

1- Eat slowly and chew well;

2- Have smaller and more frequent meals;

3- Cut down on carbonated drinks;

4- Try specialized medication;

5- Drink mint or chamomile tea;

Read Also: Flat belly and healthy intestine? These spices should not be missing (Portuguese version)

6- Go for walks;

7- Take hot baths;

8- Do knee-to-chest lifts;

9- Do abdominal exercises;

10- Try not to talk while eating;

11- Avoid foods that cause gas.

Read Also: Bloated belly? Beware that it may be due to these eight fruits (Portuguese version)

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