
  • 28 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 12º MÁX 25º

The 'secret' to preventing Alzheimer's could be in everyday fruit

This is the main conclusion of tests conducted on rats. And researchers believe they would have had the same results in humans.

The 'secret' to preventing Alzheimer's could be in everyday fruit
Notícias ao Minuto

07:48 - 04/06/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Alimentação

A group of experts identified, following a study carried out on rats, that fruits such as pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries have a substance capable of fighting dementia such as Alzheimer's.

The research, published in the specialized journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia, points out that these foods are rich in urolithin-A and, as such, can help the body remove damaged cells, preventing the accumulation of toxic proteins that have already been associated with cognitive decline. In addition to fruits, some oilseeds, such as chestnuts and walnuts, contain the substance in their composition.

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"Many patients with neurodegenerative diseases have difficulty removing damaged mitochondria from the brain, which accumulate and affect brain function. If you can stimulate the process of c, removing the weak mitochondria, you will see very positive results", summarized biochemist Wilhelm Bohr, from the University of Copenhagen, in Denmark, who is one of the authors of the study.

The scientists proved the impact of urolithin-A by testing it on rats that had been induced to have Alzheimer's symptoms. After being fed supplements of the substance, they were able to improve their performance in learning, memory, and smell tests.

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Although the study was carried out on animals, the researchers believe that they would have had the same results in humans. "We cannot yet say anything conclusive about the dosage, but I imagine it is more than one pomegranate a day for an adult. However, the substance is already available in tablet form and is currently trying to find the right dosage", says Wilhelm Bohr.

It should be noted that Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive memory loss and cognitive decline, language disorders, and even difficulty in performing tasks such as paying bills and handling money, and is the most common form of dementia. Dementia is a generic term used to designate a set of diseases that are characterized by cognitive changes that may be associated with memory loss, changes in language, and disorientation in time or space. There is no treatment for most. However, it has been proven that about 40% of dementia, such as Alzheimer's (the most common form of dementia), can be prevented or delayed.

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 47.5 million people with dementia worldwide, a number that could reach 75.6 million in 2030 and almost triple in 2050, to 135.5 million.

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