
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Lula da Silva's youngest son accused of domestic violence

A doctor has reported being the victim of domestic violence since January, having even reported being hit in the stomach with an elbow.

Lula da Silva's youngest son accused of domestic violence
Notícias ao Minuto

09:39 - 04/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Brasil

The youngest son of Brazilian President Lula da Silva was accused of domestic violence by his ex-girlfriend on Tuesday.

The Court of Justice of São Paulo (TJSP) determined that Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva, 39, should not approach his ex-girlfriend, Natália Schincariol, and should leave the apartment where the couple lived, after considering the 29-year-old woman's account "coherent and truthful", according to Correio Braziliense.

The same source said that the son of the head of state will only be able to remove his belongings from the residence if he is accompanied by a bailiff and under the supervision of his ex-girlfriend.

The doctor reported that she had been a victim of domestic violence since January, and even reported having been assaulted with an elbow in the stomach. Natália Schincariol also said that she had been the target of “verbal, psychological and moral” violence that had “intensified over time”, after she discovered that Luís Cláudio had been unfaithful.

The young woman was also forced to take a month off work due to the trauma, and was hospitalized with anxiety attacks. She was also threatened, called a “mental patient, tramp, crazy”, and manipulated into not reporting the assaults, “on the grounds that the aggressor is the president's son and that he has influence to get away with the accusations”.

"My father will protect me and you will lose, I will destroy your soul. I will tell everyone that you are crazy, no one will believe you, I have power and you have nothing", Luís Cláudio is said to have said, according to the doctor.

Lula da Silva's son is also said to have had unprotected sexual relations with other women, putting Natália "at risk knowingly". During the two years they lived together, the young woman also said that Luís Cláudio would come home drunk and try to enter her room even if his girlfriend did not want him to.

However, the doctor stressed on social media that the President of Brazil “has nothing to do with this”, and appealed to internet users to “leave Lula and his family alone”.

“Stop blaming relatives for the evil deeds of a 40-year-old adult man. They are totally different people. Respect the Lula family”, she said.

Luís Cláudio, in turn, published a note signed by lawyer Carmen Silvia Costa Ramos Tannuri, in which he rejected the “fanciful statements”

“As a lawyer for Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva, we have become aware of the fanciful statements that are said to have been made by the doctor, attributing to our client false and fanciful assaults, the lies of which are classifiable as the crimes of slander, libel and defamation, in addition to being liable for compensation for moral damages, for which reason the relevant legal measures will be taken”, it reads.

Read Also: Lula and Macron call denial of Corina Yoris' candidacy "serious" (Portuguese version)

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