
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Kyiv intercepted several Russian missiles and drones overnight

Ukraine's air defenses intercepted several Russian missiles and drones overnight Friday, according to the country's Air Force Command chief, Mikola Oleschuk.

Kyiv intercepted several Russian missiles and drones overnight
Notícias ao Minuto

11:02 - 20/04/24 por Lusa

Mundo Guerra na Ucrânia

On his Telegram channel, cited by the Efe agency, Oleschuk stressed that the anti-aircraft defenses destroyed two X-59 and X-69 missiles, as well as three reconnaissance drones, two Orlan-10s and a Supercam.

In addition, according to the commander, the launches of three Iskander-M ballistic missiles, two S-300 and two S-400 guided missiles from the Russian border region of Belgorod were registered.

The NATO Secretary General revealed on Friday that the countries of the political-military bloc have identified anti-aircraft defense systems that can be made available to Ukraine and said he expects "announcements soon".

"President [Volodymyr] Zelensky updated us on the developments in the conflict, including the critical needs for air defense (...), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] has mapped the existing capabilities in different countries and there are systems that can be made available", said Jens Stoltenberg, at a press conference at the headquarters of the Atlantic Alliance, in Brussels.

The President of Ukraine has reinforced in recent weeks the request for anti-aircraft defense systems because of Moscow's successive attacks with missiles and 'drones' (unmanned aircraft) against Ukrainian civilian and military infrastructures.

Jens Stoltenberg also said he expects the approval of the support package by the United States "without delay", since the US Congress has given a signal in this direction.

A vote is scheduled for today in the House of Representatives (the lower house of Congress, with a Republican majority) that could lead to the release of a $60 billion aid package (more than 56 billion euros).

Read Also: EIB and Kyiv sign memorandum giving access to 560 million euros (Portuguese version)

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