
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Trump supporters want to oust Mike Johnson over Ukraine support

Hardline Republican supporters of former US president Donald Trump, led by congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, have today threatened to impeach House speaker Mike Johnson over his role in passing aid to Ukraine.

Trump supporters want to oust Mike Johnson over Ukraine support
Notícias ao Minuto

22:32 - 21/04/24 por Lusa

Mundo EUA

"Mike Johnson's speakership has come to an end. He needs to do the right thing and resign and allow us to move forward in an orderly fashion, or he will be removed," the congresswoman said in an interview with Fox News. In late March, Greene herself introduced a resolution to oust the Republican, though she has yet to force a vote on it. But the firebrand lawmaker renewed her threat after what she called a "betrayal" when the House, under Johnson — who as speaker controls the chamber's agenda — on Saturday passed a new financial aid package for Ukraine after months of blocking such legislation. In all, the House approved $61 billion for Ukraine as part of a $95 billion overall foreign aid package that also includes US assistance for Israel and Taiwan. Each item was voted on separately, and the $61 billion for Ukraine passed with bipartisan support, 311-112, as Democrats applauded and waved Ukrainian flags. If Greene and her band of hard-right supporters loyal to former president Donald Trump make good on their threat to force a vote to remove Johnson as speaker, the Republican leader would need Democratic support to survive, further widening the divide in his party. Johnson after Saturday's vote ruled out resigning and said he was not concerned about the censure motion. Johnson became speaker after a bitter GOP fight with the previous House speaker, Kevin McCarthy, over a budget deal with Democrats. McCarthy's ouster in October last year threw the chamber — and the Republicans — into weeks of chaos before they settled on Johnson. Some Democrats who voted unanimously to oust McCarthy have signaled they would come to Johnson's rescue.
Read Also: Trump apoia presidente da Câmara dos Representantes e elogia trabalho (Portuguese version)

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