
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

At least four dead, 10 missing in China floods

Chinese authorities continue rescue operations to save trapped residents as streets remain flooded with water.

Notícias ao Minuto

17:14 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

Mundo China

At least four people have died in China's southern Guangdong province as of Monday after days of flooding hit the region. Ten people remain missing, according to Sky News, citing state-run Xinhua news agency. Chinese authorities are continuing rescue operations to save stranded residents as streets remain submerged. Major rivers are at risk of overflowing due to the severe weather, prompting China's Ministry of Water Resources to issue an emergency warning. Since Thursday, the severe weather has destroyed 36 homes and damaged 48 others in the south of the country. Chinese forecasters expect the storms to continue throughout the week in Guangdong province, which borders Macau and Hong Kong. The rainfall has displaced a total of 53,741 people, including 12,256 who have been urgently relocated. Local authorities have urged the public to turn off their electricity in at-risk areas and to suspend outdoor activities. Drainage measures have also been advised in urban and farmland areas to prevent possible disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and mudslides. Read Also: Pelo menos 11 pessoas desaparecidas no sul da China após fortes chuvas (Portuguese version)

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