
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Ana is free". 47-year-old woman euthanized after years of fighting in Peru

Ana Estrada lived with a rare and incurable disease, polymyositis, for 30 years. She was bedridden and needed a ventilator to breathe.

"Ana is free". 47-year-old woman euthanized after years of fighting in Peru
Notícias ao Minuto

23:32 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Peru

A Peruvian woman suffering from a degenerative disease died Sunday after undergoing euthanasia following a lengthy legal battle in Peru.

The court made a landmark ruling allowing her to end her life with medical assistance, her lawyer Josefina Miro Quesada said in a statement posted on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) on Monday.

"Ana's case has allowed the Peruvian justice system to recognize for the first time in its history that we all have the right to die with dignity," it said.

Ana Estrada, 47, had lived with a rare and incurable disease called polymyositis for three decades, which caused muscle weakness. She was bedridden and required a ventilator to breathe.

The woman, a psychologist by profession, went to court in 2016 to fight for access to euthanasia, which is illegal in Peru. In 2022, the country's Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling in the Peruvian woman's favor and exempted the doctor who performed the procedure from punishment.

"Ana is free. Ana left grateful to all the people who helped give her a voice, who were with her during this fight and who supported her decision unconditionally, with love and empathy," the lawyer added.

Euthanasia is illegal in most countries, including Peru, according to the Reuters news agency. Under the country's law, the practice is punishable by prison.

Speaking to Reuters after her court victory, Ana said she hoped her case would set a legal precedent for the right to die with medical assistance.

"There will come a time when I will no longer be able to write, nor express myself. My body is failing, but my mind and my spirit are happy. I want the last moments of my life to be like this," Ana said at the time.

Read Also: At 28, she prefers to die than live with a mental health problem (Portuguese version)

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