
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Pro-Palestinian Protests Continue to Rock U.S. Campuses

Columbia University in New York City has canceled in-person classes and dozens of protesters have been arrested as demonstrations roil campuses across the United States over the war between Israel and Hamas.

Pro-Palestinian Protests Continue to Rock U.S. Campuses
Notícias ao Minuto

14:59 - 23/04/24 por Lusa

Mundo EUA

More than 100 pro-Palestinian demonstrators who camped out on the lawn in front of Columbia University were arrested, as similar protests erupted on campuses across the United States, forcing school administrators to grapple with the line between free speech and keeping students and faculty safe. At New York University, a student-led encampment hosted hundreds of demonstrators throughout Monday. The school administration asked the crowd to disperse, but was forced to call in police after the situation grew unruly, with protesters chanting slogans that were widely condemned as “bullying and anti-Semitic.” “This is an outrageous overreach by the university to allow police to arrest students on our own campus,” said Byul Yoon, a second-year law student at N.Y.U. who was caught up in the melee. “Anti-Semitism is never okay. That’s not what we stand for, which is why there are so many Jewish comrades who are here standing with us today,” Yoon added. The protests have pitted students against one another, with pro-Palestinian students demanding that their schools condemn Israel’s assault on Gaza and divest from companies that sell weapons to Israel. Some Jewish students, meanwhile, have countered that much of the criticism of Israel has veered into anti-Semitism and made them feel unsafe, noting that the Islamist group Hamas continues to hold captive an Israeli soldier it seized in a cross-border raid on July 7. The conflict escalated Monday at Columbia, where the gates to the campus were locked to anyone without a student ID and protests raged both on and off the grounds of the Ivy League school. U.S. Rep. Kathy Manning — a North Carolina Democrat who was visiting Columbia with three other Jewish members of Congress — told reporters after meeting with the school’s Jewish Law Students Association that there was “a huge encampment of people” who had taken over part of the group’s facilities. A task force of deans, administrators and faculty will meet in the coming days to try to resolve the crisis at the university, which has yet to say when in-person classes will resume. The protests have roiled campuses in cities across the United States since Hamas launched its assault on southern Israel, which killed about 1,200 people, the vast majority of them civilians, and left about 250 captive. In the ensuing war, Israel killed more than 34,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, according to the local Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between combatants and noncombatants but says at least two-thirds of the dead were women and children. Read Also: Ex-polícia mata ex-mulher e namorada nos EUA. Está em fuga

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