
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Leg amputated in mid-air flight to New Zealand due to extreme turbulence

The incident occurred 30 minutes after the aircraft took off on a seven-hour flight.

Leg amputated in mid-air flight to New Zealand due to extreme turbulence
Notícias ao Minuto

17:23 - 23/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Avião

A man broke his leg on an Air New Zealand flight last week after severe turbulence struck. The incident happened about 30 minutes after the plane took off on a seven-hour flight.

Niko and Sasha are German expats who have been living in Bali, Indonesia, for the past 13 years. The couple were on a three-week holiday and were flying from Denpasar to Auckland, New Zealand.

After the seatbelt sign was turned off, Niko got up to use the bathroom. According to the New Zealand Herald, when he returned to his seat the plane hit a patch of severe turbulence.

The pilot later apologised to passengers for the unexpected turbulence. Despite this, Niko was left in pain for the remaining six-and-a-half-hour flight. There was a doctor on board, however there were limited medical supplies.

Air New Zealand staff asked other passengers to give up their seats so Niko could lie down across the row.

When the plane landed, paramedics were waiting to assist the injured man, who was then taken to hospital.

A friend who picked the couple up from the airport said Niko had broken his leg in two places. "His leg was basically snapped in half," the friend said.

Read also: "Incrível". Viu eclipse a bordo de avião... e pediu namorada em casamento (Portuguese version)

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