
  • 29 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 14º MÁX 27º

Life expectancy at birth in the EU rises to 81.5 years in 2023

Life expectancy at birth in the European Union (EU) was 81.5 years in 2023, up by 0.9 years compared with 2022 and by 0.2 years compared with 2019, according to preliminary data from Eurostat.

Life expectancy at birth in the EU rises to 81.5 years in 2023
Notícias ao Minuto

11:20 - 03/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Esperança de vida

The European statistics service also highlights that in 2023, life expectancy at birth was higher than the EU average in 15 Member States, with Spain (84.0), Italy (83.8) and Malta (83.6) standing out and including Portugal (82.4 years, the 8th highest in the EU).

At the other end of the table, with the lowest life expectancy, are Bulgaria (75.8 years), Latvia (75.9) and Romania (76.6).

Compared to 2019, before the covid-19 pandemic, 18 Member States recorded increases in life expectancy, two remained stable and six saw the indicator decline in 2023.

The largest increases compared to 2019 were observed in Romania (1.0 years), Lithuania (0.8 years), Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Malta and the Czech Republic (0.7 years each).

On the other hand, Austria and Finland saw life expectancy at birth decline (-0.4 years each), followed by Estonia and the Netherlands (-0.2 years each), Germany and Croatia (0.1 years each).

In Portugal, the indicator increased, in 2023 compared to 2019, by 0.5 years, to 82.4 years.

Read Also: Well-being in Portugal has increased in the last 30 years in convergence with the EU (Portuguese version)

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