
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Woman who took dead uncle to bank gives interview: ‘I’m not a monster’

Erika assures that she did not realize that Paulo had died and that it was he who asked to go to the bank.

Woman who took dead uncle to bank gives interview: ‘I’m not a monster’
Notícias ao Minuto

10:15 - 06/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Brasil

Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes, 42, who became famous after having taken her dead uncle to a bank in Brazil to take out a loan of 17 thousand reais, about 3,100 euros, spoke for the first time after being released from prison, where she was held in pre-trial detention for 16 days.

In an interview with the G1 website, from her lawyer's office, the Brazilian woman began by revealing that her relationship with her uncle Paulo was "great". "He was independent, did what he wanted. He had a good mind. He didn't use a wheelchair and I wasn't his caretaker", she told the Brazilian publication.

When asked about the fact that she had not realised that her uncle was too weak to leave the house, Erika assured that "he was the one who asked to go", adding that everything went well during the journey from home to the bank.

Before entering the bank branch, Erika asked her uncle if he would be more comfortable if she supported his head, to which the elderly man replied yes.

As for the sequence of events inside the bank, the woman said that she cannot remember "much", probably due to the medication she takes regularly.

"As I am undergoing treatment, I was taking zolpidem. Sometimes I would take more than one. I don't know if [the forgetfulness] is an effect of the medication I had taken that day", she said.

Paulo Roberto had been hospitalised for a week before going to the bank, but, according to Erika, the doctors did not give any indication not to leave the house after being discharged.

"They gave me a prescription for a medication for five days. I bought the medication and the diapers. I thought he was going to get better, that it was just pneumonia", she defended herself.

Regarding the two weeks of detention, Erika admitted that "they were horrible days". "I couldn't take it anymore. It was very difficult. It was horrible, I didn't realise that my uncle was dead […]. I'm not the person they say I am, I'm not that monster", she said.

Despite the judge in charge of the case having revoked Erika's pre-trial detention - because she is "a carrier of weakened mental health and has a minor daughter with special needs" - the Brazilian woman remains accused of theft by fraud, desecration of a corpse and negligent homicide.

Read Also: Woman who took dead uncle to bank investigated for negligent homicide (Portuguese version)

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