
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

US says Israel may have violated 'obligations under the law of war'

According to a report presented to the US Congress on Friday.

US says Israel may have violated 'obligations under the law of war'
Notícias ao Minuto

22:51 - 10/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Israel/Palestina

The US government revealed on Friday that Israel may have violated its obligations under international humanitarian law with weapons provided by the US, in the context of the conflict against Hamas.

According to a report presented to the US Congress, the State Department considered it possible to infer that the weapons supplied to Israel were used in a way that was “inconsistent” with international law, the BBC reported.

The document, which was requested by the Joe Biden administration, acknowledged, however, that Israel is facing an “extraordinary military challenge”, and did not make clear whether the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operations violated international law obligations.

This is because, according to the BBC, the report noted that Israel’s assurances regarding the legal use of US weapons were “credible and reliable”, dictating that their supply could continue.

It also admitted that the government does not have all the information to reach a conclusion, since Hamas “uses civilian infrastructure for military purposes and civilians as human shields”, which makes it “difficult to determine the facts on the ground in an active war zone”.

However, and taking into account Israel’s dependence on US weapons, the report considered that the equipment was probably used in situations “inconsistent with its obligations under international humanitarian law or with established best practices to mitigate civilian harm”.

"Israel has the knowledge, experience, and tools to implement best practices to mitigate civilian harm in its military operations, [but] the results on the ground, including the high number of civilian casualties, raise substantial questions about whether the IDF is effectively using [the equipment] in all cases", it pointed out.

The government also considered that, although Israel did not fully cooperate with the efforts to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza in the first months after the escalation of the conflict, it is not currently restricting or prohibiting the transport of aid.

The document was released after President Joe Biden threatened to stop supplying weapons to Israel if that State moved against Rafah, Hamas’s last stronghold in Gaza, where thousands of Palestinians are sheltered.

[Updated news at 11:10 pm]

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