
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

China has path to global leadership with Trump, ‘big challenge’ with Biden

The re-election of Donald Trump in the United States (US) would "potentially allow" China to advance as a global leader, while the continuity of current President Joe Biden will be "a major challenge" for Beijing, considers a former adviser to the US administration.

China has path to global leadership with Trump, ‘big challenge’ with Biden
Notícias ao Minuto

13:42 - 11/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Elisabeth Economy

In an interview with the Lusa agency, Elisabeth Economy, a North American political scientist and specialist in Chinese domestic and international affairs, highlighted the need to know Trump's team, since as president he had "very active" Secretaries of State and Defense.

"First in Asia, by reinforcing the Quad (a group that brings together the USA, Japan, Australia and India), but then in Europe with the Clean Network working with Portugal, Greece and other countries so that they would not join Huawei [technology], speaking about national security issues", explained the former advisor to the Biden administration.

However, she predicts that a second Trump presidency "would potentially allow Xi Jinping to make more progress in affirming Chinese leadership on the world stage". If the Republican is elected, China should find it easier to "change the discussion about the role of the dollar, about human rights, about the Internet, about freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, about Taiwan".

According to the member of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, if there are no "strong United States to defend all these issues, everything will depend on Europe and then on the major economies of Asia", and the question will be: "will Xi Jinping be able to persuade the other countries of the European Union, Japan, Australia and South Korea to align themselves more closely with China?".

When Trump came to power, seven years ago, China "was not prepared to take the step to try to replace the United States", that is, there was the opening, but the country was unable to take advantage of it, she argued to Lusa.

"Xi Jinping had a greater opportunity in 2017, when President Trump came to power, but less capacity. Currently, Xi Jinping has more capacity, but I think he has fewer opportunities", she summed up.

Asked about the scenario if Biden is re-elected in November, the author replied: "I think China will face a great challenge in the next four years".

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