
  • 27 JUNHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 28º

Flash floods in northern Afghanistan kill more than 50

More than 50 people have died and dozens are missing in northern Afghanistan's Baghlan province after flash floods, officials from the Taliban-led interim government said on Tuesday.

Flash floods in northern Afghanistan kill more than 50
Notícias ao Minuto

08:53 - 11/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Baghlan

According to initial information, more than 50 people have died in the floods, although the number could increase, since search operations are ongoing," the spokesman for the provincial department of information and culture, Assadullah Mustafa Hashimi, told EFE.

The same source added that the authorities have sent civil and military teams to help in the rescue efforts.

"There are many people trapped by the floods, our priority is to rescue them," Hashimi said.

In addition to causing chaos in the province and a death toll that could increase, the authorities said that the flash floods also caused extensive material damage and paralyzed life in Baghlan.

"The entire old city [of Baghlan] is underwater," a local resident who identified himself as Toryalai told EFE.

The destruction was not limited to this northern province, but dozens of other regions of the country have also been affected by the incessant rains of the last few days.

"We are gathering information on victims, because there have been many flash floods in other provinces such as Takhar or Kunduz," the spokesman for the Ministry of Disaster Management, Janan Sayeq, told EFE.

In recent months, Afghanistan has experienced heavy snowfalls, torrential rains and flash floods, which have caused the death of more than 130 people and the destruction of thousands of homes, according to official data, in addition to the approximately 50 today in Baghlan.

The Asian country is one of the most vulnerable in the world to climate change and the least prepared to adapt, according to a report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

The situation of vulnerability is compounded by the interruption of much of the international aid and the freezing of the country's funds after the Taliban took power in August 2021.

See the images in the gallery above.

Read Also: At least 50 dead in floods in Afghanistan (Portuguese version)

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