
  • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 23º

There are Portuguese in need of psychological help in Venezuela

The Portuguese Catholic Mission of Caracas (MCP) warned today about the lack of psychological assistance to face everyday life in Venezuela, a country where thousands of Portuguese people live, many of them needy.

There are Portuguese in need of psychological help in Venezuela
Notícias ao Minuto

06:42 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Missão Católica

"We are concerned, we want to set up a consulting room for psychological help for our immigrants, because the situation is very unstable", stated the director of the MCP, Carlos de Abreu.

Carlos de Abreu was speaking to the Lusa agency in the Chapel of Our Lady of Coromoto and Fatima, headquarters of the Portuguese Catholic Mission of Caracas, where he stressed that there are Portuguese-Venezuelan institutions doing "an extraordinary job" on a social level, but "there is a lack of psychological attention".

"They [the Portuguese-Venezuelans] have a perceived and assimilated reality, but everything has changed, it is so different and difficult, that it is important that they receive psychological help at this time", he said.

The priest explained that in Venezuela "not everyone is rich" and there are Portuguese people "in the business and economic world who are also having difficulties".

"Businessmen are also suffering, but they are men of great faith and it is this faith that drives them. Therefore, [despite the difficulties] Portuguese investments in Venezuela are very important to continue creating jobs for Portuguese and Venezuelans. They continue to invest, to risk their capital, [the effort of] years of work, with the faith that the situation will change", he stressed.

Carlos de Abreu also stated that the Church "is humanity" and has the mission of "helping" the needy and, with the help of the local Portuguese community, they have organised some initiatives, namely distributing shoes and toys to children and young people.

He emotionally recounted that "one girl was so happy that she wanted to keep the shoes for the day of her First Communion" and that she only agreed to use them after they promised her that she would get another pair by that time.

"We have helped, but it is important to do much more", he insisted, stressing that the church "is always open to everyone".

Director of the MCP for over two and a half years, Carlos de Abreu also explained that, with the help of the local Portuguese community, some work has also been done on the Chapel of Our Lady of Coromoto and Fatima in recent times.

"We restored all the images [of the saints], we covered and polished the floor. We painted the church, repaired infiltrations and the pipes, the gates and the exterior and reinforced security", he added, praising the "enormous and extraordinary work" that the Portuguese community has done for its institution.

Read Also: Venezuela urges the US to recognise Palestine as a full member of the UN (Portuguese version)

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