
  • 03 JULHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 28º

Chad: Second-placed candidate calls for presidential election to be annulled

Chad's second-placed presidential candidate, Succès Masra, who lost to ruling junta leader Mahamat Déby on April 6, said on Sunday he had filed a request to annul the election, which he called "an electoral farce".

Chad: Second-placed candidate calls for presidential election to be annulled
Notícias ao Minuto

11:19 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Chade

"With the help of our lawyers, we filed a request today with the Constitutional Council so that the truth of the ballot boxes is revealed," the leader of "Les Transformateurs" (The Transformers) said in a post on the social network Facebook.
"Our request is for the pure and simple annulment of this electoral farce," the vice-president of Succès Masra's party, Sitack Yombatina, told the France-Presse news agency (AFP). On Thursday, the National Agency for the Management of Elections (ANGE) attributed 18.53% of the votes to Masra, against 61.03% for the transitional President, Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, who had appointed him Prime Minister four months before the elections. On Thursday evening, a few hours before the official results were announced, Masra claimed "victory in the first round", according to a compilation of votes carried out by his activists throughout the country. After the announcement of the provisional results, at least nine people, including two children, were killed and 63 injured in Ndjamena, the Chadian capital, by army gunfire, medical sources confirmed to the EFE news agency. The soldiers fired into the air with heavy and automatic weapons in Ndjamena and in several cities in the south of the country known for their support for the opposition, in apparent celebration, dismantled by several activists, who considered the shots as a way to dissuade opposition supporters from gathering to demonstrate. "To all our activists, supporters and voters, we ask you to remain peaceful for the love of our country, because the change you want to see cannot take place in a destroyed country," Succès Masra wrote on the social network X on Sunday, thanking them for contributing to "documenting the truth of the ballot boxes". The politician appealed to his supporters to avoid "falling into the trap of provocation" and to remain "lucid". "This change is irreversible, it is already here and will be carried out in one way or another by all the people so that justice and equality reign (...). The people always triumph," added Masra. "All the evidence is on the 'pens drives'" attached to the request for annulment of the poll submitted to the Constitutional Council, the party's vice-president assured AFP. According to Yombatina, the files submitted to the entity responsible for assessing the correctness of the elections and proclaiming the winner contain "videos of ballot stuffing, theft and threats, but above all ballot boxes that were removed by the military to be counted elsewhere". Seventy-six people, including minors, were arrested on election day last Monday for "having made their own access cards to several polling stations". The party considered the arrests "arbitrary" and for "ridiculous and fanciful" reasons. The election marks the end of a three-year military transition and the restoration of constitutional normality in the country, but many observers believe that everything was prepared to keep the Déby "dynasty" in power, after the death of Mahamat's father, the dictator Idriss Déby Itno, allegedly overthrown on the battlefront by a rebel group in April 2021. The announcement of the final results is scheduled for 23 May, at the end of the deadline, after the analysis of the appeal by Succès Masra and Yacine Abdaramane Sakine, who is contesting his eighth place. Mahamat Déby has been supported from the beginning by the army, in April 2021, by an international community - led by France - which was quick to condemn coup leaders in other parts of Africa. Paris still maintains a thousand soldiers in Chad, considered a pillar in the fight against Islamic extremists in the Sahel, after French soldiers were expelled from Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.
Also Read: Leader of the military junta in Chad proclaimed winner of the presidential elections (Portuguese version)

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