
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Woman Pretends to Be Pizza Delivery Person to Help Another Woman Break Into Home in the US

The owner, who was about an hour away from her home, received the security alert and went home immediately but it was noticed that nothing was taken.

Woman Pretends to Be Pizza Delivery Person to Help Another Woman Break Into Home in the US
Notícias ao Minuto

21:32 - 13/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Torrance

A Torrance, California, woman said a duo tried to break into her home, with one of the suspects pretending to be a pizza delivery driver as a ruse to get inside.

The incident dates back to April 20, when Undine Schwarz checked her home surveillance footage and saw a woman approach her doorstep holding a pizza box, ABC 7 News reported.

After she knocked on the door several times, another person is seen walking toward the back of the house, wearing a hoodie.

"She came to my house and she had a Domino's pizza box, and most pizza delivery people have a bag to keep the pizza warm. That was a sign to me, in retrospect, that this is not a real pizza delivery person," Schwarz said, adding that she was "really glad that my alarm went off."

The homeowner, who was about an hour away from her house, got the security alert and immediately headed home, but it appeared nothing was taken.

"They targeted me. I don't know why, maybe because I didn't have any cars in the driveway. All my neighbors had cars in the driveway, which means somebody's home," Schwarz said, noting that she filed a police report.

The victim is now warning her neighbors to be vigilant. "If you see a car driving up and down your street multiple times, that's a sign that maybe somebody's casing your house," Schwarz said.

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