
  • 06 JULHO 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 23º

EU does not intend to "change" relations with São Tomé after agreement with Russia

The European Union (EU) does not intend to "threaten to change" relations with São Tomé and dismisses "immediate consequences" because of the military cooperation agreement signed between the archipelago and Russia, an official source announced today in the capital of São Tomé.

EU does not intend to "change" relations with São Tomé after agreement with Russia
Notícias ao Minuto

21:55 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo São Tomé

"In all sincerity, we must remain calm and not get too emotional. We have been cooperating for a long time, in many sectors. We have no intention of threatening to change our level of involvement in the country", said the European Union ambassador to Gabon, São Tomé and Príncipe and Central Africa, who discussed the issue with São Tomé's prime minister, Patrice Trovoada.
Cécile Abadie stressed that "it is an issue that is being widely debated in the country, where partners need to have more information" and that she heard "many messages" from the São Tomé prime minister that she will pass on to the European authorities. "I very much appreciate the frankness with which this type of issue can be approached, so it was very useful for me and once again I can leave with the answers to my authorities' questions [...] the Member States will be able to understand better, but, for now, there is absolutely no decision or immediate consequences on relations with the European Union", said the European ambassador. After an hour and a half meeting with the head of the São Tomé government, Cécile Abadie considered that "it is normal that the European Union has doubts and concerns", in view of the military agreement between São Tomé and Russia, but said she believes that the objective of the São Tomé prime minister "is to dispel these concerns". "Once again, I have to share all the information I have gathered with my authorities. The European Union does not have, at this stage, any position on this agreement, quite simply because we need to understand it better. Therefore, there are concerns and questions, but, once again, I note the prime minister's willingness to reassure us", said the diplomat. Abadie said that she also discussed with the São Tomé prime minister issues related to the political dialogue between São Tomé and Príncipe and the European Union that will take place on Tuesday, to help direct EU support "more effectively, so that it has the greatest impact and is more adapted to the realities of the country". "The political dialogue will address all issues, including the internal situation, the political situation and the economic situation. But also regional issues, the situation in certain neighbouring countries. Cooperation in multilateral forums. Our dialogue is intended to cover all topics and we are very pleased with that, because we have a good quality of dialogue and, therefore, we look forward to this exchange of views tomorrow", said the diplomat. According to the official Russian news agency Sputnik, the military agreement "for an indefinite period" between São Tomé and Russia was signed in Saint Petersburg on 24 April and began to be implemented on 5 May, providing for training, use of weapons and military equipment and visits by Russian planes, warships and vessels to the archipelago. On Thursday, the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Paulo Rangel, stated that Portugal and "other European States expressed surprise, apprehension and perplexity at this agreement". "This is the problem of the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs. We have bilateral relations with many countries and we do not need Portugal to relate to other countries, let's be clear, if a European country wants to express concern, talk to me, and they did not do so", replied the São Tomé prime minister on Friday. The President of São Tomé, Carlos Vila Nova, considered that "there is a lot of noise around the problem", and considered that "Portugal is in no way a blocking factor to the signing of this agreement, which is something that concerns São Tomé and Príncipe".
Read Also: Portugal "not a blocking factor" to agreement between São Tomé and Russia (Portuguese version)

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