
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Italian police arrest 142 members of Calabrian mafia

Italian authorities today carried out an operation against the 'Ndrangheta', the Calabrian mafia, targeting 142 people belonging in particular to the historical clans of the city of Cosenza, active in drug trafficking.

Italian police arrest 142 members of Calabrian mafia
Notícias ao Minuto

15:13 - 14/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Itália

The suspects - 109 of whom were arrested, 20 were placed under house arrest and 13 were subjected to other restrictive measures - are accused of several crimes, such as "'ndranghetista association' and drug trafficking, aggravated in the case of the leader of the mafia association", among other crimes, indicates a statement released by the police.

The operation was carried out at dawn by the 'carabinieri', the police and agents specialized in economic crimes, under the direction of the Anti-Mafia Public Prosecutor's Office of Catanzaro, a province in the Calabria region.

The detainees were part of the historical clans of Cosenza, in Calabria (south), the "Lanzino-Patitucci" and the "Zingari".

An official of the 'guardia di finanza', the Italian customs and financial police, was also arrested during the operation.

Vincenzo Capomolla, prosecutor of Catanzaro, assured that the mafia groups were "asphyxiating" the merchants and businessmen of Cosenza, extorting money from them, although their main activity was drug trafficking, for which they even used minors.

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