
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Italy launches pilot project to protect women victims of violence

Italy today launched a pilot project against gender-based violence aimed at women, delivering 'smart' watches connected to the police headquarters for immediate intervention in case of alarm.

Italy launches pilot project to protect women victims of violence
Notícias ao Minuto

16:27 - 14/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Violência doméstica

Within the scope of this project "Mobile Angel", which includes the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Rome and the Regional Command of the 'Carabinieri' (police force), the watch will be given to several women already identified and with their full consent.

The watch includes a microphone and a "geolocation device, so that the intervention of the Carabinieri is faster and more effective, even if the assaulted person is unable to speak", according to an official note.

Therefore, the device can be activated by the victim of stalking or automatically in case of gender violence.

In Italy, many aggressors have a device that tracks their movements, but, in some cases, this has not prevented them from approaching the victims.

"With this instrument, the State allows the victim of gender violence to defend herself and communicate immediately with the investigators: culturally, it transfers the power of initiative to the victim. The goal is to provide all possible solutions to combat and prevent this dramatic phenomenon", explained the Attorney General of Rome, Francesco Lo Voi.

Lo Voi noted the "enormous potential, because a signal is sent through an application on the mobile phone or simply through a blow received". The geolocator will allow the nearest patrol to arrive, while the victim is alerted by a "vibration that help is arriving", he added.

In the Italian capital, in the last six months, the 'Carabinieri' registered 470 activations of the so-called "red code" protocol with the Public Prosecutor's Office of Rome, in most cases related to "family abuse" and "acts of stalking", in which 82 people were arrested and 16 were placed in preventive detention.

Read Also: "No one should be subject to degradation and violence just because they are a woman" (Portuguese version)

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