
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

US may "reassess" relationship with Georgia after adoption of controversial law

The White House said today it was "deeply concerned" about Georgia's adoption of a controversial law on "foreign influence," warning that the United States could "reassess" its relationship with the Caucasus country.

US may "reassess" relationship with Georgia after adoption of controversial law
Notícias ao Minuto

21:06 - 14/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Karine Jean-Pierre

"We hope the [Georgian] president will veto the law," White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters.

It is "not yet clear whether the [Georgian] parliament would attempt to override a potential veto, we'll see what they do, but this law will, in fact, require us to reassess our relationship with Georgia," she said.

"We have been very clear about our concerns with this legislation, which runs counter to democratic values and would further distance Georgia from the values of the European Union, not to mention NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a Western defense bloc)," she added.

Earlier, a US State Department spokesperson had urged Georgia to "change course."

The United States supports Georgia's aspirations to join the European Union, but moves "like this legislation are incompatible with that stated goal," Vedant Patel said.

"We would like to continue to deepen the cooperation that we have with Georgia, and there is still time to work together," the State Department spokesperson added.

Georgian lawmakers on Tuesday adopted in a third and final reading a controversial bill on "foreign influence," inspired by a Russian law used to crack down on dissent, despite protests against the text.

The law requires any non-governmental organization (NGO) or media outlet that receives more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an "organization pursuing the interests of a foreign power."

The Georgian government insists it is only meant to make organizations be more "transparent" about their funding.

Read Also: Georgia. MPs in (new) row over "foreign agents" law (Portuguese version)

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