
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

WHO prequalifies second dengue vaccine

The World Health Organization (WHO) today announced the prequalification of a second dengue vaccine, TAK-003, for use in two doses in children aged 6 to 16 years.

WHO prequalifies second dengue vaccine
Notícias ao Minuto

12:31 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo OMS

"The prequalification of TAK-003 is an important step towards expanding global access to dengue vaccines, as they are now eligible for procurement by UN agencies such as UNICEF and PAHO," said WHO Director of Regulation and Prequalification, Rogerio Gaspar.

"With only two vaccines prequalified so far, we look forward to more manufacturers coming forward for evaluation so that we can ensure vaccines reach all the communities that need them," he added.

In addition to Sanofi Pasteur's CYD-TDV vaccine, WHO now recommends the use of TAK-003, developed by Takeda, in children aged 6-16 years living in areas with high dengue transmission, with the vaccine to be administered in two doses three months apart, according to a statement released on Monday.

Portuguese-speaking Brazil and Cape Verde were among the countries that registered a dengue outbreak in recent months.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that can be life-threatening in severe cases.

According to WHO, an estimated 100-400 million dengue infections occur yearly, with 3.9 billion people living in countries where the disease is endemic, most of them in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

The highest number of dengue cases was recorded last year, when 4.5 million cases and 2,300 deaths were reported, with the number likely to increase and expand geographically due to urbanisation and climate change.

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