
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Assassination Attempt". The images of the attack (and aftermath) on Fico

After being shot, Fico was taken away by security guards in a government vehicle - he is said to have head and chest injuries. One suspect has been arrested and Europe has begun to react to the attack on the Slovak prime minister.

Notícias ao Minuto

17:21 - 15/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

Mundo Robert Fico

Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot and wounded on Wednesday in Handlova, about 180 kilometers (110 miles) from the capital, Bratislava.
Robert Fico, 59, was shot in the chest and abdomen and airlifted to a hospital. A post on the prime minister's official Facebook page said he is "currently in mortal danger," and that he had been "shot several times". The government has called the incident an "attempted murder." The shooting took place outside the local House of Culture, where the 59-year-old prime minister had been scheduled to attend a government meeting. Police cordoned off the area. After he was shot, Fico was rushed by security guards to a government vehicle - the Politico newspaper reported head and chest wounds, citing local media. The TA3 television station reported that a suspect had been detained. Several European leaders have condemned the attack on Robert Fico - you can read more here. See images of the attack on Fico in the gallery above.

Who is Fico, Slovakia's most influential and controversial politician?

Populist Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who is in mortal danger after being shot, is leading the country for a third time, taking controversial pro-Russian positions while distancing himself from the European Union (EU). Robert Fico campaigned on a promise to withdraw support for Ukraine, and he delivered: the day after his government was sworn in, he announced the end of arms shipments to Ukraine, limiting Slovak support to "humanitarian and civil aid." Fico is a highly divisive figure in Slovakia. His initial social democratic positions have shifted considerably since he was forced to resign in 2018 following the murder of journalist Jan Kuciak, who had been investigating organized crime links to political power. During the Covid-19 pandemic, while in opposition, he attacked government-imposed restrictions and questioned the efficacy of vaccines. Since his return to power, his controversial reforms, such as closing down the anti-corruption prosecutor's office that was investigating cases linked to his party, and his intention to shut down the current public radio and television, have sparked major protests.
Slovakia approves closure of public radio and television channels

Slovakia approves closure of public radio and television channels

The government of Slovakia, led by social democrat Robert Fico, today approved the closure of the public radio and television channel RTVS, which it accuses of reporting in a subjective and non-independent manner.

Lusa | 23:46 - 04/24/2024
Parliament is also considering a law on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) - requiring them to disclose whether they receive foreign funding - that the opposition compares to similar rules in Russia and Hungary. Fico has also campaigned against the rights of the LGBTQ+ community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and other identities). Fico's controversial measures are seen by the opposition as an attempt to consolidate his power, limit judicial independence and restrict press freedom. Read Also: Slovak President says attack on Fico is "an attack on democracy" (Portuguese version)

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