
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Beira City receives first medical emergency center

The city of Beira, central Mozambique, today inaugurated the first operational center for medical emergencies, which will begin to track occurrences, involving 17 health units, and to send relief resources.

Beira City receives first medical emergency center
Notícias ao Minuto

17:56 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Moçambique

"It is a new initiative for the country, which aims to promote the reinforcement of emergency services (...), facilitating the population's access, with particular attention to pregnant women and children under five, to emergency services/urgencies of reference hospitals", explained, in Beira, the Secretary of State for the province of Sofala, Cecília Chamutota, at the inauguration of the service.

The new unit operates at the Hospital da Mulher 24 de Julho, and is made up of eight operators with the function of receiving and tracking requests from health centers, for later sending patients by ambulance to the reference health units in the city of Beira, depending on the pathologies.

Cecília Chamutota stated that the center was installed with the purpose of receiving phone calls from the 17 health units in the city of Beira, which need to transfer patients to the three reference hospitals, namely Hospital Central da Beira, Centro de Saúde Urbano da Ponta-Gêa and Hospital da Mulher 24 de Julho.

After the phone contact, the requests are analyzed by the operators of the operational center to determine the category of the pathology, in terms of urgency and emergency, followed by the decision on the patient's destination and the sending of an ambulance.

Before, according to the governor, the ambulances were parked in a health unit, which received the requests for emergencies, contributing "significantly to the delay in referring patients in health units without ambulances", since they had to request them from other entities.

The operational center for medical emergencies, she guaranteed, will allow reducing the maternal-infant mortality rates and the mortality of patients transferred from health units to the three reference hospitals.

The Italian ambassador, Gianni Bardini, indicated that this is a project, supported by Italian organizations, which constitutes a model that can be replicated in other parts of the country.

"It is the first of its kind to be established in the country and we hope to replicate it for other points", he said.

Read Also: EU extends military mission in Mozambique until 2026 (and will adapt it) (Portuguese version)

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