
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

N.J. quintuplets celebrate college graduation together

A set of quintuplets from New Jersey have all graduated from the same college in the US state, albeit with different majors.

N.J. quintuplets celebrate college graduation together
Notícias ao Minuto

06:43 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Povolo

The Povolo quintuplets received their diplomas Monday from Montclair State University, where they all earned full academic scholarships.

Born within minutes of each other on the Fourth of July, the two girls — Victoria and Ashley — and three boys — Ludovico, Michael and Marcus — admit it’s an emotional time as one chapter of their lives ends.

The close-knit family also credits the school for giving them the chance to explore their own academic interests and extracurricular activities.

“We’re lucky we all get to graduate together, and do it with our best friends. It’s amazing to do this all together,” Ludovico said of his siblings.

Graduating from college is also special because the siblings missed out on a traditional graduation from Passaic Valley Regional High School, which did not hold a ceremony that year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Asked what they tell people who are curious about what it’s like to be a quintuplet, Ashley said: “It’s like having a big group of friends that you can’t get rid of.”

Their parents, Silvia and Paul, came to the United States from Italy in 1988 and described having quintuplets as “crazy, beautiful, perfect and chaotic.”

“It went by so fast — it went by so fast with the headaches, the ups and downs, and now here we are,” Paul Povolo said of his children’s graduation.

His wife had similar sentiments: “I don’t see it as my accomplishment, it’s theirs. I’m just sitting back and waiting for them to take off,” Silvia said.

Read Next: Fair Lawn quintuplets graduate from Montclair State University (

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