
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Mozambican MP resigns over probe into death of Russian ambassador

The Public Prosecutor's Office of Mozambique has waived opening a criminal procedure for the death, on May 11, of the Russian ambassador in Maputo, Alexander Surikov, said today Nazimo Mussá, spokesman for the Attorney General's Office.

Mozambican MP resigns over probe into death of Russian ambassador
Notícias ao Minuto

11:12 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Moçambique

"The Russian diplomatic entities assumed that it was a natural death. And by official document sent to the Public Ministry, in the city's Attorney's Office [Maputo], they exempted the Mozambican authorities from any responsibility on this matter, which means that the process that had been instituted ended up being archived", said Mussá, in statements to Rádio Moçambique.

Alexander Surikov, 68, was found dead, on Saturday night, at the official residence in Maputo and, according to the Mozambican police, the Russian authorities did not authorize any examination of the body, according to previous information from the police.

"The Public Ministry renounces the criminal procedure (...). Once the process is archived, it will not proceed at the level of our territory", he added.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique assured on May 14 that it was "working in coordination" with the Russian Embassy in Maputo to clarify the circumstances of the death of Ambassador Alexander Surikov, on Saturday.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation is working in coordination with the Embassy of the Russian Federation, in Maputo, under the terms of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic and Consular Relations, to clarify the circumstances of his death", said the spokesman for that ministry, José Matsinhe, in a statement to the press, in Maputo.

According to the spokesman, the contacts also aim to "guarantee the due solemnity in the transfer of the deceased's body to the Russian Federation".

The ministry acknowledged that Ambassador Surikov, in office since 2017, "spared no effort to materialize" the "strengthening of friendly relations and cooperation" between the two countries, he stressed.

The President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, addressed a message of condolences to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on the same day, for the death in Maputo of Ambassador Alexander Surikov, assuring support in the "subsequent" process.

"The early departure of Ambassador Surikov, a dedicated diplomat, with exceptional qualities who, with unparalleled professionalism, knew how to defend the interests of his country, while promoting fruitful cooperation between our two countries, leaves an immense void", says the message of condolences from the Mozambican President.

According to information from the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) to which Lusa had access on Sunday, the "presumption" of the investigation is "sudden death due to undetermined causes", however, when the police picket arrived at the morgue of the Central Hospital of Maputo "they found that the body had already been prepared".

"And, by instructions from Russia, which reached the picket's technical team through the consul of that Federation, Mr. Yuri Doroshenkov, who was present at the morgue accompanied by the embassy's security officer, he was instructed not to do any (...) examination of the body, much less an autopsy", the information states.

In one of the few statements to the media, Ambassador Surikov had conveyed, in an interview with Lusa, on February 2, Moscow's willingness to support Maputo in the fight against terrorism in Cabo Delgado, in the event of a request, noting, however, that the support that the country is receiving is sufficient.

"We have many years of experience in military cooperation with Mozambique, we helped this country to build its armed forces and they know perfectly well about our capabilities. If they need any specific help, we are always there", he said at the time.

Read Also: Extreme events killed 62 people in Mozambique until March (Portuguese version)

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