
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Liberal leader in the EP rejects agreement with far right in the Netherlands

The leader of the Renew Europe political group in the European Parliament (EP), Valérie Hayer, today condemned the participation of the liberals in the agreement with the far right to form a government in the Netherlands.

Liberal leader in the EP rejects agreement with far right in the Netherlands
Notícias ao Minuto

13:56 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Valérie Hayer

In a message posted on her account on social network X, Hayer underlined her "total disapproval and deep concern" regarding the announcement on Wednesday of an agreement to form a coalition government in The Hague, which includes the anti-European and Islamophobic party of Geert Wilders (who won the legislative elections without a majority six months ago), the liberals of the VVD (who belong to the Renew Europe group in the EP) and two other political groups. The liberal leader stressed that the liberals' integration into the coalition compromises the principles they defend, being unacceptable, and promised to continue opposing the agreement within the EP. It should be recalled that on 9 May, the four largest European political families of the centre-left and left signed a joint declaration calling on all democratic parties to reject "any normalisation, cooperation or alliance with far-right and radical parties" at any level. The joint position taken by the group of European Socialists, liberals, Greens and the European Left comes about a month before the European elections -- 6 to 9 June -- and is a response "to the recent attacks against politicians and the growing acts of violence by the far-right in different Member States", with the obvious recipient being the European People's Party (EPP), the largest European political family of the centre-right, which has not categorically rejected collaborations in the next legislature with the group of Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) of the radical right.
Read Also: Agreement reached for coalition government in the Netherlands (Portuguese version)

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