
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Chimpanzee reunites with dog that helped him overcome depression and hugs him

A tight hug proves the friendship between these two animals.

Notícias ao Minuto

14:19 - 16/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Animais

In addition to humans, there are also animals that suffer from depression. This is the case of a chimpanzee from the Zoological Wildlife Foundation in the United States, who after being ignored by his peers, entered a period of great sadness and apathy.

To help him overcome the illness, his caregivers began to join him with the young of other animals, including a golden retriever puppy named Keeper.

The chimpanzee became attached to the dog and gradually the results began to appear: Little by little, the chimpanzee began to smile and interact more.

On the day he turned seven, and in order to celebrate the end of the depression, the team of caregivers decided to 'invite' the dog to join the party and the chimpanzee's reaction is delighting internet users in a video that has more than 3 million views.

In it, you can see the primate hugging Keeper with emotion, almost as if he recognized the importance he had in his life.

Read Also: Pain of loss. Chimpanzee carries the body of his young in his lap for months (Portuguese version)

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