
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Journalists expelled and attacks at the door of the Renamo congress

Journalists covering the seventh congress of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo, the largest opposition party) were today expelled by party members from the venue of the event and there were reports of aggression between supporters at the entrance.

Journalists expelled and attacks at the door of the Renamo congress
Notícias ao Minuto

16:51 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Moçambique

According to live images broadcast by media outlets from Alto Molócue, Zambezia province, where the congress is taking place, journalists were removed from the site, amidst visible threats from members of the organization, to the outside of the perimeter, which in turn is guarded by a strong police force.

Journalists were following the entrance to the congress - which will choose the party's president today - of Manuel de Araújo, mayor of Quelimane, Zambezia, member of the political commission and one of the most popular members of Renamo, who had difficulty getting past the police cordon.

"The police have sworn an oath to respect the Constitution of the Republic and they must know how to respect the Constitution of the Republic. No member of the police has the right to approach a member of a party, in this case a congressman. I am a congressman, I have the right to be there in the room. Either they didn't do their homework or they have other tasks. I'm very sorry, it's a shame," said Manuel de Araújo, after passing through the police cordon.

At the entrance to the congress venue, there were riots and assaults, by members of the congress organization and allegedly people who were accompanying Manuel de Araújo, to prevent the passage of those, as it was possible to see in the live images.

The threats and expulsions of journalists accredited to the event followed an attempt to confirm the entry of Manuel de Araújo into the congress tent, around 4:30 pm local time (3:30 pm in Lisbon).

Some sources indicate that this reinforcement in Renamo's security is due to fears of a possible attempt to enter the space of supporters of deputy Venâncio Mondlane, who presented his candidacy for the party's leadership, which was rejected.

700 delegates and about 300 guests are expected for this congress.

Ossufo Momade is the current president of Renamo and is contesting the election, at this congress, with Elias Dhlakama, brother of the party's historical leader (Afonso Dhlakama), Ivone Soares, deputy and former head of the parliamentary bench, André Magibire, former secretary-general, Anselmo Vitor, head of the training department, and Alfredo Magumisse, member of the political commission.

Juliano Picardo, president of the provincial council of Tete, Pedro Murema, member of the provincial council of the city of Maputo and Hermínio Morais, member of the political commission, are also on the list of candidates for the leadership of Renamo.

Mozambique holds general elections, including presidential elections, on October 9, which the current President, Filipe Nyusi, can no longer run for, having reached the constitutional limit of two terms.

After the election of the president, Renamo will have to clarify which candidate it will support for the position of President of the Republic in the October elections, which is normally the party leader.

Read Also: Renamo president considers the number of candidates a sign of democracy (Portuguese version)

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