
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Donald Tusk, Poland's Prime Minister, reports death threats

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk denounced a series of death threats today after his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico was shot and hospitalized Wednesday.

Donald Tusk, Poland's Prime Minister, reports death threats
Notícias ao Minuto

22:16 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Donald Tusk

"There was a lot of that yesterday. Vision of Poland," Tusk stated in a brief publication on his social networks where he shared the image of a message that he said he received on Wednesday and that says: "Today the Slovaks gave us an example of what should be done with Donald Tusk".

In the publication shared by the Polish leader, it is suggested that, if he opposes the construction of a large airport in the centre of Poland, the same thing that happened to Fico should be done to Tusk, according to the Europa Press agency.

The Slovak prime minister was seriously injured after being shot when leaving a government meeting in the town of Handlova.

The Slovak government said today that the man who shot the prime minister was "a lone wolf" and was not part of any group.

The man was arrested by the police at the scene of the attack and the authorities believe that the incident may have been politically motivated.

Read Also: Poland "will not accept migrants" under the new EU pact (Portuguese version)

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