
  • 03 JULHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 28º

Xi and Putin together? Trump says they're meeting to 'do damage'

Former US president and presidential candidate speaks about meeting between Chinese and Russian presidents

Xi and Putin together? Trump says they're meeting to 'do damage'
Notícias ao Minuto

08:16 - 17/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo EUA

Former US President Donald Trump has accused the leaders of China and Russia of working together to "do damage".

"President Xi [Jinping] of China, I know him well, President Putin of Russia, I know him well, they are working together right now on plans where they get together and do damage," the one-time US presidential candidate said on Thursday, as quoted by The Guardian.

Trump added that “ultimately that’s what they’re thinking about doing, damage”.

The former US leader also accused Xi Jinping of “absolutely” expecting to take over Taiwan. “He made that statement today. That’s a big statement,” he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin travelled to China to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and together they pledged a “new era” in their partnership on Thursday, the first day of an official state visit.

"The China-Russia relationship today has come by with great difficulty and both sides need to cherish it and nurture it," Xi told Putin, as quoted by Reuters. “Developing and rejuvenating our respective countries” and working together to “uphold fairness and justice in the world” were among the promises made by the two leaders, at a time of great global uncertainty.

Read Also: Trump accepts Biden's challenge for two debates in June and September (Portuguese version)

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