
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Head of nuns who turned their backs on the Church and the Pope speaks of "nonsense"

Sister who leads the Federation of Poor Clares says she is very hurt by the situation.

Head of nuns who turned their backs on the Church and the Pope speaks of "nonsense"
Notícias ao Minuto

08:22 - 17/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Espanha

The president of the Federation of Our Lady of Aranzazu of the Poor Clare Sisters reacted to the news that a group of nuns had turned their backs on the Church due to a controversy involving the sale of a convent, stating that "she does not understand who put this nonsense in their heads".

In a telephone interview with ABC, the nun admitted: "I cried a lot these past four days", stating that she is "very hurt" by the decision of the communities of Belorado and Orduña to abandon the Church and adopt the postulates of the Pious Union of St. Paul the Apostle and its promoter Pablo de Rojas, an excommunicated bishop.

Sister María Javier Soto presides over the federation that includes 32 convents in Spain, three in South America and five annexed branches. However, she states that "all the monasteries are autonomous, completely independent, they do not depend on anyone except the Pope" and that her "authority is that of a sister".

The woman admits that she knew that something strange was happening in Belorado, but that she never thought that the case would acquire these proportions. "I do not understand what happened, I hope that they go back on their decision because I truly care about them and I do not know who put this nonsense in their heads", she laments.

For this reason, she is reluctant to accept what happened "in an Order in which we have always been very faithful to the Church, to the Lord and to the Popes".

It is worth remembering that a group of 15 nuns of the Order of Saint Clare from the Spanish convents of Santa Clara de Belorado, in Burgos, and Orduña, in Biscay, decided to turn their backs on the Catholic Church.

The origin of this decision is allegedly the "persecution" that, according to these nuns, they suffer from superiors, parish priests, nuns and priests, of which they say the decision of Rome to "block" their request to sell a convent that they own and that is empty in Derio, in Biscay, so that they could acquire the monastery of Orduña, belonging to the Diocese of Vitoria, with which they had a contract of promise of purchase and sale, is an example.

Read Also: Nuns turn their backs on the Church. Case involves convent and excommunicated bishop (Portuguese version)

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